Virtual Training & In-Person Sessions

Virtual SWEATY 30 min

Now you will be able to book your virtual sessions online! By clicking below you can set up a customize workout live with Cole. Sessions times are intervals of 30min -60min workouts. Be prepared to #Sweat4it

Monthly In-Person SWEATY 60 min Monthly In-Person SWEATY 60 min
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Monthly In-Person SWEATY 60 min

In-Person personal training session Broward County Pay Monthly for 3 sessions a week $340. It’s important to understand that fitness is a journey and that a journey with positive results takes time. It’s important to reflect on the mind the body and soul. Learn how to connect, speak to your body and demand results through physical workouts. Each package comes with a free consultation in person or virtual. You will also be sent a Welcome Email confirming your training.

In-Person SWEATY 60 min In-Person SWEATY 60 min
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In-Person SWEATY 60 min

In- Person personal training 60 min session. You have to understand that just like anything else you want out of life, you have to manifest it, feed it and heal from it in order for it to grow! That “it” is you! If you are ready to #Sweat4it and put in the work to see positive results! Hit the link below

Virtual SWEATY 60 min

Now you will be able to book your virtual sessions online! By clicking below you can set up a customize workout live with Cole. Sessions times are intervals of 30min - 60min workouts. Be prepared to #Sweat4it

(Corporate please refer to corporate to see how the training classes work)

Strength training

Pull Your Weight I

By combining battle ropes, pulleys, and rope climbing, this class will help you grow muscle, build endurance, and put your metabolism to work.

Dance Classes

Obstacle Course I

Here, we combine free weights with squats, lunges, and high-interval exercises so that you can build strength according to your own body type and goals.

Strength training

Obstacle Course II

This is our favorite weekend activity. More than a class, our beginner obstacle course is designed to be fun! It’s like being back at summer camp without the drama.

Virtual Training

Cardio Circuit

Welcome to your perfect lunch break workout. During this short class, we do a series of intense cross-training moves with bursts of aerobic exercise, weight lifting, and stretch breaks.

In person Strength

Pull Your Weight II

Here we incorporate cardio intervals between rope exercises to help you build leaner muscles. This class is for those who have taken Pull Your Weight.


Strength Training

Work off that Sunday brunch or train for an obstacle course race! We recommend this class for those who have completed at least two level I courses within the last month.

If you have any question please inquiry below!